Thursday, April 1, 2010

The first day of a new month!!

What an interesting week I have had so far. I have completely mastered Photoshop CS4! (I still can’t find the paint bucket though) Just look at this photo totally hand drawn picture I did of my cat “Lady”. I call it “Lady Sparkle”. Getting her fur to look realistic was much easier than I expected, though I had trouble figuring out how to crop lay out the design. I had a lot of fun putting the sparkles on her whiskers as the finishing touch. I am about to start tutorials of my own, so stay tuned.
"Lady Sparkle"
I also spent some time back at the drawing board, it has been a while since I picked up a pencil and my water colors, but I saw a rabbit through my binoculars in the field next to my house, lazing in the Irish sunshine, and drew this. It seemed so effortless! It did help me with the whole fur thing though, which came in handy for “Lady Sparkle”.
-A masterpiece, if I do say so myself-
I almost forgot. I was really bored last night. Look what I made out of really stale cheese!  Inspiration struck.  I whittled away and this is what was I came up with. You need an really sharp knife and really hard cheese and good light, but that is about all it takes to come up with something as cool as this -- just don't hold it too hard or parts of it will snap off like you see here :(
-I might make this my new hobby-

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